Home Strandja
Strandzha - rich and magnificent Strandzha Mountain will welcome you with beautiful views on its paths, it will charm you with its hospitality in all seasons. Choosing your route in Strandzha, you have made a great choice. The rich cultural… See more
In this section you will find places we visited, reviewed and recommend for accommodation. And as people say, "Ours cannot be bad"!
- Indipascha area - ancient consecrated ground. In this deep, dank glen, under the overhanging rock with a healing spring gushing at its base, the Thracians have made the sacrifice offerings for health. During the Christian era the area continues to be visited by hundreds of pilgrims seeking healing. It is located 18km from Malko Tarnovo towards Slivarovo. - The town of Malko Tarnovo - a municipal center. Architectural - museum complex, a fountain in the town center "Great vris", church "Assumption" - an architectural and historic monument, Eastern Catholic cathedral "St. Trinity", natural museum where multiple photos and fun games acquaint children with the unique nature of Strandzha.
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